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1. We held our last bat walk of the year on 30 September. One advantage of the nights drawing in earlier is that we had a good attendance by local children who were thrilled to see and hear our bats. Our bat walks promote the understanding of the importance of Bat ecology and conservation and raise awareness of our local bat population. Feedback from our last bat walk from one of the children attending: “It was really fun and everybody should do it. You see loads of bats!” Here is a short video of our last bat walk . 2. In May 2023 the LLCG collected Bat data for the third year running and presented a detailed report to Bucks Council ecology team, as agreed at the meeting with EKFB (former HS2 subcontractors working at LL) in May 2022. The report highlighted the vital importance of no further fragmentation of…

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The Oaks, before the destruction commenced
