While the presence of several species of bat in the HS2 corridor between the North Portal and Rocky Lane was recorded in the Environmental Statement ( Vol 2, section 7 – see table 8) the presence of the (rare) Barbastelle bat was not. The verdict (7.4.19) was
“No significant effects are expected on the bat assemblage associated with mature hedges, trees and tree-lined lanes at the southern end of the area. The construction of the South Heath cutting, the Rocky Lane south cutting and the Small Dean viaduct southern approach embankment will remove mature hedges, trees and tree-lined lanes, particularly from Rocky Lane, Bowood Lane, King’s Lane and Leather Lane. These features are used by common and soprano pipistrelles, a Myotis species, noctules and serotines. The width of the land required for the construction of the Proposed Scheme (that ranges between 60m and 550m) is therefore likely to reduce the frequency with which this assemblage crosses the land required for the construction of the Proposed Scheme. However, no known roosts will be removed and extensive foraging sites (predominantly woodland) will be retained on either side of the route, as such loss of habitat is unlikely to result in an adverse effect on the assemblages’ conservation status.“
Fieldwork (by local residents and confirmed by professional ecologists) has now established the presence of Barbastelles in the area, which justifies the implementation of a proper mitigation strategy, particularly for Bowood and Leather lanes. This species is not covered in the route wide HS2 bat license, and so the legality of some works undertaken by the contractors is in doubt.

Dominic Woodfield / Bioscan
- May-22 Definitive report on data from 2021-22
- 17-Jun-21 Confirms the importance of Leather Lane as a bat commuting corridor, and the presence of Barbastelles
- 3-Dec-21 Compares bat activity along the lane with the gap (in the tree line) created by felling, where the track will cross
- 11-Feb-22 “There is thus a clear risk of the substantive removal of the commuting corridor offered by Leather Lane having a regionally significant impact on bat populations.” (Dominic Woodfield)