In a significant new development, responsibility for the bridge at Leather Lane has been transferred from EKFB to the Align joint venture. The LLCG were invited to a meeting with Align, Bucks and local parish councillors to discuss the options being considered for the lane (rather than to be told what had been decided, as has often been the case). Our ecologist gave this presentation regarding the significance of the bats, and the consequent need for greatly improved mitigation. Align accepted that this was the case, and shared some very encouraging ideas showing how this might be provided (which we can’t yet disclose).
As it now appears that real progress has been made, we have released our bat report in full, as there is no longer any reason to wait for EKFB to produce one.
See our latest update & Mailout
We recently learned that the Align joint venture are to take over the Leather Lane site from EKFB, and sent this letter to Align, setting out our view of the history of the Lane, and our case for a green bridge. We also reminded HS2 and Align that we are awaiting a reply concerning the preservation of Ilona.
Today we released this Press Release, to promote our Green Bridge campaign

The Leather Lane Conservation Group stall at the Chiltern Open Air museum Green festival revealed our latest bat report, which identifies the lane as a resource of regional significance, and launched our campaign for a green bridge
A case study of biodiversity loss on Leather Lane has been prepared. This will form part of a follow-up to the Wildlife trust’s ‘No Net Loss ?’ report, being prepared by the Chiltern Society.
EKFB have established a Tree Protection Zone around Ilona – encouraging ??
Earthday ! a good day to help Save Leather Lane
Going forward, we have launched the Leather Lane Conservation Group, which aims to ensure the long term future of the lane and it’s surroundings as a wildlife corridor. See our petition update for more information.
Ilona was registered on the Woodland Trust Ancient Trees inventory, and supporters gathered to celebrate.
Help save Ilona
Please Email Mark Thurston, ask why this veteran oak tree is still under threat – to plant saplings for screening ?
Here is the current status of the campaign. See this page for correspondence (with HS2) regarding Ilona.
Bucks have turned down some aspects of the Bowood Lane schedule 17 application – will they make a similar robust response to the Leather Lane bridge submission ?
See this report on a meeting between the Save Leather Lane campaign, and EKFB, the main contractor – with a positive outcome. Also, this fact sheet, which should clarify some of the issues relating to the oaks.
We wrote to DEFRA, urging them to protect the bat corridor